Calibration report


Manufacturer KEITHLEY INSTRUMENTS Calibration date February 24 2019
Model Number Model 2001 Ambient Temperature 20.91 °C
Serial SN Relative Humidity 33.75 %
ID Number K2001 Pressure 976.46
Notes Test front ports Test type First

This note is test dummy text block for further use. It allow to include user information for further reference

Reference standard Mfg Model Options Serial / Unc CEID Calibration date Due date
MFC last calibrated 1279.0 days ago MFC since DCV ZERO 77.0 days ago
MFC since WBFLAT 3447.0 days ago MFC since WBGAIN 1279.0 days ago
MFC Confidence level 24h 95% MFC Calibrate date 2015-08-25 00:00:00
MFC Calibrate date Zero 2018-12-09 00:00:00 Calibrate date WB Flatness 2009-09-17 00:00:00
Calibrate date WB Gain 2015-08-25 00:00:00 CAL CONST 6.5V reference voltage 6.93311097148
CAL CONST 13V reference voltage 13.8400411797 CAL CONST 22V range positive zero 398.17577
CAL CONST 22V range negative zero 398.17516 CAL CONST DAC Linearity 0.0
CAL CONST 10KOHM true output resistance 9999.98707281 CAL CONST 10KOHM standard resistance 9999.20833247
CAL CONST, Zero calibration temperature 21.5900001526 CAL CONST, All calibration temp 21.5900001526

This note is test MFC dummy text block for further use.
Calibrator was warmed up >8 hours.

Meter Info KEITHLEY INSTRUMENTS INC.,MODEL 2001,0715132,B10 /A02 Test date start 24 February 2019 12:54
Test specification interval 24 hour DUT spec Line frequency 110V 60 Hz
Next calibration date 12/ 9/18 Last calibration date 12/10/17
DUT temperature to cal 0.1 Last calibration temperature +23.8

Service information

Last calibration temperature
All CAL values
Direct MFC test, ACV, verification
DUT Condition
Fluke 5700A calkit test

Test procedure : $Id$

Source procedure : $Id$

Main DC Voltage ranges performance test.
Checks zero offset and +/-FS calibration on all ranges
The following test for the offset voltage specification using MFC 0V source in 4-wire ext sense mode as reference.
DCV gain range points verify gain of the DC voltage function, using uncorrected 24-hour MFC output. DC voltage offset of DUT is nulled before FS tests.

Test Description Expected Value Measured Value Measurement Uncertainty Lower Limit Upper Limit Deviation DUT Spec Test Status
Short 0 mVDC 0.0000000E+00 0.80 µV 0.50 µV -1.700 µV 1.700 µV N/A 1.20 µV PASS
Short 0.0 VDC 0.0000000E+00 1.10 µV 0.50 µV -4.500 µV 4.500 µV N/A 4.00 µV PASS
Short 00.0 VDC 0.0000000E+00 -18.00 µV 0.50 µV -80.500 µV 80.500 µV N/A 80.00 µV PASS
Short 000.0 VDC 0.0000000E+00 20.00 µV 0.50 µV -600.500 µV 600.500 µV N/A 0.60 mV PASS
Short 0000.0 VDC 0.0000000E+00 -200.00 µV 0.50 µV -6000.500 µV 6000.500 µV N/A 6.00 mV PASS
DCV Test 0.1V-1000V DUT Source unc. Low Limit Hi limit Measured 24h spec Result
0.2 VDC (0.20 Range) 0.2000000 0.1999996 7.27 ppm 0.19999535 0.20000465 -2.008 ppm 16.00 ppm PASS 8.63 %
-0.2 VDC (0.20 Range) -0.2000000 -0.19999933 7.27 ppm -0.20000465 -0.19999535 -3.350 ppm 16.00 ppm PASS 14.40 %
0.1 VDC (2.00 Range) 0.1000000 0.1000003 7.27 ppm 0.099998373 0.10000163 3.000 ppm 9.00 ppm PASS 18.44 %
1.0 VDC (2.00 Range) 1.0000000 1.0000024 3.86 ppm 0.99998714 1.0000129 2.367 ppm 9.00 ppm PASS 18.40 %
2.0 VDC (2.00 Range) 2.0000000 2.0000039 3.86 ppm 1.9999743 2.0000257 1.967 ppm 9.00 ppm PASS 15.29 %
-0.1 VDC (2.00 Range) -0.1000000 -0.099999933 7.27 ppm -0.10000163 -0.099998373 -0.667 ppm 9.00 ppm PASS 4.10 %
-1.0 VDC (2.00 Range) -1.0000000 -1.0000017 3.86 ppm -1.0000129 -0.99998714 1.683 ppm 9.00 ppm PASS 13.09 %
-2.0 VDC (2.00 Range) -2.0000000 -2.0000044 3.86 ppm -2.0000257 -1.9999743 2.200 ppm 9.00 ppm PASS 17.11 %
1.0 VDC (20.00 Range) 1.0000000 0.99997567 3.86 ppm 0.99998514 1.0000149 -24.333 ppm 11.00 ppm FAIL 163.75 %
10.0 VDC (20.00 Range) 10.0000000 9.9999957 2.77 ppm 9.9998623 10.000138 -0.433 ppm 11.00 ppm PASS 3.15 %
20.0 VDC (20.00 Range) 20.0000000 20.000025 2.73 ppm 19.999725 20.000275 1.233 ppm 11.00 ppm PASS 8.98 %
-1.0 VDC (20.00 Range) -1.0000000 -1.0000365 3.86 ppm -1.0000149 -0.99998514 36.500 ppm 11.00 ppm FAIL 245.63 %
-10.0 VDC (20.00 Range) -10.0000000 -10.000039 2.77 ppm -10.000138 -9.9998623 3.883 ppm 11.00 ppm PASS 28.20 %
-20.0 VDC (20.00 Range) -20.0000000 -20.000043 2.73 ppm -20.000275 -19.999725 2.150 ppm 11.00 ppm PASS 15.66 %
10 VDC (200.00 Range) 10.0000000 10.000037 2.77 ppm 9.9998123 10.000188 3.667 ppm 16.00 ppm PASS 19.53 %
100 VDC (200.00 Range) 100.0000000 99.999963 3.73 ppm 99.998027 100.00197 -0.367 ppm 16.00 ppm PASS 1.86 %
200 VDC (200.00 Range) 200.0000000 199.99988 3.73 ppm 199.99605 200.00395 -0.608 ppm 16.00 ppm PASS 3.08 %
-10 VDC (200.00 Range) -10.0000000 -9.9999617 2.77 ppm -10.000188 -9.9998123 -3.833 ppm 16.00 ppm PASS 20.42 %
-100 VDC (200.00 Range) -100.0000000 -99.99982 3.73 ppm -100.00197 -99.998027 -1.800 ppm 16.00 ppm PASS 9.12 %
-200 VDC (200.00 Range) -200.0000000 -199.99966 3.73 ppm -200.00395 -199.99605 -1.692 ppm 16.00 ppm PASS 8.57 %
100 VDC (1000.00 Range) 100.0000000 99.99975 3.73 ppm 99.997327 100.00267 -2.500 ppm 23.00 ppm PASS 9.35 %
200 VDC (1000.00 Range) 200.0000000 199.9993 3.73 ppm 199.99465 200.00535 -3.500 ppm 23.00 ppm PASS 13.09 %
1000 VDC (1000.00 Range) 1000.0000000 1000.0033 5.45 ppm 999.96905 1000.0309 3.250 ppm 23.00 ppm PASS 10.50 %
-100 VDC (1000.00 Range) -100.0000000 -99.999867 3.73 ppm -100.00267 -99.997327 -1.333 ppm 23.00 ppm PASS 4.99 %
-200 VDC (1000.00 Range) -200.0000000 -199.9996 3.73 ppm -200.00535 -199.99465 -2.000 ppm 23.00 ppm PASS 7.48 %
-1000 VDC (1000.00 Range) -1000.0000000 -1000.0014 5.45 ppm -1000.0309 -999.96905 1.417 ppm 23.00 ppm PASS 5.46 %

4W test procedure for all test points that verify Gain of the OHMF function. 4-wire kelvin connection is used between DMM and MFC. 1GΩ resistance range is tested using the external standard, as MFC unable to provide this range value.

OHM Test 1 Ohm to 1 GOhm DUT Source unc. Low Limit Hi limit Measured 24h spec Result
1 Ω 0.9999631 0.99998962 85.0 ppm 9.9984210E-01 1.0000841E+00 26.526 ppm 36.0 ppm PASS 21.92 %
1.9 Ω 1.8996418 1.8995967 85.0 ppm 1.8994119E+00 1.8998717E+00 -23.715 ppm 36.0 ppm PASS 19.60 %
10 Ω 10.000122 10.000027 23.0 ppm 9.9995320E+00 1.0000712E+01 -9.506 ppm 36.0 ppm PASS 16.11 %
19 Ω 18.999423 18.999384 23.0 ppm 1.8998302E+01 1.9000544E+01 -2.053 ppm 36.0 ppm PASS 3.48 %
100 Ω 100.00015 99.999042 10.0 ppm 9.9996050E+01 1.0000425E+02 -11.083 ppm 31.0 ppm PASS 27.03 %
190 Ω 189.99677 189.99488 10.0 ppm 1.8998898E+02 1.9000456E+02 -9.930 ppm 31.0 ppm PASS 24.22 %
1.0 kΩ 999.9962 999.98492 8.0 ppm 9.9996220E+02 1.0000302E+03 -11.283 ppm 26.0 ppm PASS 33.19 %
1.9 kΩ 1899.9601 1899.9407 8.0 ppm 1.8998955E+03 1.9000247E+03 -10.237 ppm 26.0 ppm PASS 30.11 %
10 kΩ 9999.993 9999.8733 8.0 ppm 9.9996830E+03 1.0000303E+04 -11.967 ppm 23.0 ppm PASS 38.60 %
19 kΩ 18999.221 18998.998 9.0 ppm 1.8998613E+04 1.8999829E+04 -11.720 ppm 23.0 ppm PASS 36.62 %
100 kΩ 100000.82 100002.7 9.0 ppm 9.9997470E+04 1.0000417E+05 18.800 ppm 24.5 ppm PASS 56.12 %
190 kΩ 189996.13 189998.96 9.0 ppm 1.8998977E+05 1.9000249E+05 14.904 ppm 24.5 ppm PASS 44.49 %
1.0 MΩ 1000005.8 1000009.6 16.0 ppm 9.9993530E+05 1.0000763E+06 3.767 ppm 54.5 ppm PASS 5.34 %
1.9 MΩ 1900001.8 1900000.7 17.0 ppm 1.8998659E+06 1.9001377E+06 -0.599 ppm 54.5 ppm PASS 0.84 %
10 MΩ 9998445 9998382.8 33.0 ppm 9.9964703E+06 1.0000420E+07 -6.220 ppm 164.5 ppm PASS 3.15 %
19 MΩ 18998715 18998382 43.0 ppm 1.8994773E+07 1.9002657E+07 -17.501 ppm 164.5 ppm PASS 8.43 %
100 MΩ 1.0000362E+08 1.0002957E+08 100.0 ppm 9.9683608E+07 1.0032363E+08 259.491 ppm 3100.0 ppm PASS 8.11 %

4W and 2W Zero test procedure for all test points that verify Zero offset of the OHMF function. 4-wire kelvin connection is used between DMM and MFC. 1GΩ resistance range is tested using the external standard, as MFC unable to provide this range value.

OHM ZERO 4W DUT Source unc. Low Limit Hi limit Measured 24h spec Result
20R Ω Range 0.0001125 Ω 1.400e-04 Ω -0.00014 0.00014 N/A 3.6000e-05 Ω PASS
200R Ω Range 0.0008383 Ω 1.400e-03 Ω -0.0014 0.0014 N/A 2.3000e-05 Ω PASS
2K Ω Range 0.0010500 Ω 8.000e-03 Ω -0.008 0.008 N/A 2.3000e-05 Ω PASS
20K Ω Range 0.0131667 Ω 8.000e-02 Ω -0.08 0.08 N/A 2.3000e-05 Ω PASS
200K Ω Range 0.1833333 Ω 9.000e-01 Ω -0.9 0.9 N/A 2.3000e-05 Ω PASS
OHM ZERO 2W DUT Source unc. Low Limit Hi limit Measured 24h spec Result
20R Ω Range 0.2129802 Ω 6.140e-03 Ω -0.00614 0.00614 N/A 3.6000e-05 Ω FAIL
200R Ω Range 0.2133750 Ω 7.400e-03 Ω -0.0074 0.0074 N/A 2.3000e-05 Ω FAIL
2K Ω Range 0.2135667 Ω 1.400e-02 Ω -0.014 0.014 N/A 2.3000e-05 Ω FAIL
20K Ω Range 0.2268333 Ω 8.000e-02 Ω -0.08 0.08 N/A 2.3000e-05 Ω FAIL
200K Ω Range 0.4016667 Ω 9.000e-01 Ω -0.9 0.9 N/A 2.3000e-05 Ω PASS
2M Ω Range 1.9562500 Ω 9.000e+00 Ω -9 9 N/A 2.3000e-05 Ω PASS
20M Ω Range 20.7500000 Ω 9.000e+01 Ω -90 90 N/A 2.3000e-05 Ω PASS
200M Ω Range -441.8750000 Ω 2.000e+04 Ω -20000.0 20000.0 N/A 2.3000e-05 Ω PASS
1G Ω Range -706.2500000 Ω 1.000e+05 Ω -100000 100000 N/A 2.3000e-05 Ω PASS

Procedure for all test points in the AC performance verification for ANAlog mode. AC-measurements does not suffer from TEMF offsets, test connection can be made using shielded leads terminated with dual banana plugs. MFC main AC output is used as reference source

ACV ANA Test 1V-10V DUT w/Guardband Low Limit Hi limit Units Measured 24h spec Result
1.0 VAC @ 50.0 kHz 1.0 0.9997112 0.0129 % 0.99672091 1.00327909 VAC -0.0289 % 0.3150 % PASS 8.81 %
1.0 VAC @ 1.0 MHz 1.0 0.9995827 0.2500 % 0.989 1.011 VAC -0.0417 % 0.8500 % PASS 3.79 %
10 VAC @ 100 Hz 10 9.995333 73.18 9.9947682 10.0052318 VAC -466.700 ppm 450.0 ppm PASS 89.20 %
10 VAC @ 400 Hz 10 9.998038 73.18 9.9947682 10.0052318 VAC -196.200 ppm 450.0 ppm PASS 37.50 %
10 VAC @ 1.0 kHz 10 9.99808 73.18 9.9947682 10.0052318 VAC -192.000 ppm 450.0 ppm PASS 36.70 %
10 VAC @ 50.0 kHz 10 10.001093 0.0129 % 9.9672091 10.0327909 VAC 0.0109 % 0.3150 % PASS 3.33 %
10 VAC @ 1.0 MHz 10 10.186709 0.3000 % 9.76 10.24 VAC 1.8671 % 2.1000 % PASS 77.80 %

Procedure for all test points in the AC performance verification for SYNCronous mode. This is highest AC accuracy test. AC-measurements does not suffer from TEMF offsets, test connection can be made using shielded leads terminated with dual banana plugs. MFC main AC output is used as reference source

ACV SYNC Test DUT w/Guardband Low Limit Hi limit Measured 24h spec Result, % spec
0.02 V AC+DC @ 10 Hz 0.02 0.0312 % 0.019907 0.020093 0.0000 % 0.4325 % PASS 0.00 %
0.02 V AC+DC @ 20 Hz 0.019998 0.0312 % 0.019907 0.020093 -0.0100 % 0.4325 % PASS 2.16 %
0.02 V AC+DC @ 50 Hz 0.019997 0.0312 % 0.019907 0.020093 -0.0150 % 0.4325 % PASS 3.23 %
0.02 V AC+DC @ 60 Hz 0.020002 0.0312 % 0.019907 0.020093 0.0100 % 0.4325 % PASS 2.16 %
0.02 V AC+DC @ 100 Hz 0.02 0.0312 % 0.019907 0.020093 0.0000 % 0.4325 % PASS 0.00 %
0.02 V AC+DC @ 1.0 kHz 0.020003 0.0312 % 0.019907 0.020093 0.0150 % 0.4325 % PASS 3.23 %
0.02 V AC+DC @ 6.25 kHz 0.020005 0.0312 % 0.019907 0.020093 0.0250 % 0.4325 % PASS 5.39 %
0.02 V AC+DC @ 10.0 kHz 0.020005 0.0312 % 0.019907 0.020093 0.0250 % 0.4325 % PASS 5.39 %
0.02 V AC+DC @ 20.0 kHz 0.020006 0.0312 % 0.019907 0.020093 0.0300 % 0.4325 % PASS 6.47 %
0.02 V AC+DC @ 50.0 kHz 0.020005 0.0447 % 0.019905 0.020095 0.0250 % 0.4325 % PASS 5.24 %
0.02 V AC+DC @ 100.0 kHz 0.019989 0.0773 % 0.019828 0.020172 -0.0550 % 0.7825 % PASS 6.40 %
0.02 V AC+DC @ 200.0 kHz 0.019954 0.1500 % 0.019800 0.020200 -0.2300 % 0.8500 % PASS 23.00 %
0.02 V AC+DC @ 300.0 kHz 0.019935 0.1500 % 0.019800 0.020200 -0.3250 % 0.8500 % PASS 32.50 %
0.02 V AC+DC @ 500.0 kHz 0.019935 0.2500 % 0.019530 0.020470 -0.3250 % 2.1000 % PASS 13.83 %
0.02 V AC+DC @ 1.0 MHz 0.020158 0.4000 % 0.019500 0.020500 0.7900 % 2.1000 % PASS 31.60 %
0.2 V AC+DC @ 10 Hz 0.199976 0.0121 % 0.199866 0.200134 -0.0120 % 0.0550 % PASS 17.87 %
0.2 V AC+DC @ 20 Hz 0.199947 0.0121 % 0.199866 0.200134 -0.0265 % 0.0550 % PASS 39.47 %
0.2 V AC+DC @ 50 Hz 0.199955 0.0121 % 0.199886 0.200114 -0.0225 % 0.0450 % PASS 39.38 %
0.2 V AC+DC @ 60 Hz 0.199961 0.0121 % 0.199886 0.200114 -0.0195 % 0.0450 % PASS 34.13 %
0.2 V AC+DC @ 100 Hz 0.199972 0.0121 % 0.199886 0.200114 -0.0140 % 0.0450 % PASS 24.50 %
0.2 V AC+DC @ 1.0 kHz 0.200006 0.0121 % 0.199886 0.200114 0.0030 % 0.0450 % PASS 5.25 %
0.2 V AC+DC @ 6.25 kHz 0.200011 0.0121 % 0.199886 0.200114 0.0055 % 0.0450 % PASS 9.63 %
0.2 V AC+DC @ 10.0 kHz 0.20001 0.0121 % 0.199886 0.200114 0.0050 % 0.0450 % PASS 8.75 %
0.2 V AC+DC @ 20.0 kHz 0.200006 0.0121 % 0.199886 0.200114 0.0030 % 0.0450 % PASS 5.25 %
0.2 V AC+DC @ 50.0 kHz 0.199957 0.0256 % 0.199319 0.200681 -0.0215 % 0.3150 % PASS 6.31 %
0.2 V AC+DC @ 100.0 kHz 0.199725 0.0591 % 0.198332 0.201668 -0.1375 % 0.7750 % PASS 16.49 %
0.2 V AC+DC @ 200.0 kHz 0.199042 0.0964 % 0.198107 0.201893 -0.4790 % 0.8500 % PASS 50.61 %
0.2 V AC+DC @ 300.0 kHz 0.198581 0.0964 % 0.198107 0.201893 -0.7095 % 0.8500 % PASS 74.97 %
0.2 V AC+DC @ 500.0 kHz 0.198096 0.1500 % 0.198000 0.202000 -0.9520 % 0.8500 % PASS 95.20 %
0.2 V AC+DC @ 1.0 MHz 0.197967 0.3000 % 0.197700 0.202300 -1.0165 % 0.8500 % PASS 88.39 %
2.0 V AC+DC @ 10 Hz 2.00053 0.0050 % 1.998801 2.001199 0.0265 % 0.0550 % PASS 44.20 %
2.0 V AC+DC @ 20 Hz 2.00018 0.0050 % 1.998801 2.001199 0.0090 % 0.0550 % PASS 15.01 %
2.0 V AC+DC @ 50 Hz 2.00019 0.0050 % 1.999001 2.000999 0.0095 % 0.0450 % PASS 19.02 %
2.0 V AC+DC @ 60 Hz 2.00019 0.0050 % 1.999001 2.000999 0.0095 % 0.0450 % PASS 19.02 %
2.0 V AC+DC @ 100 Hz 2.0002 0.0050 % 1.999001 2.000999 0.0100 % 0.0450 % PASS 20.02 %
2.0 V AC+DC @ 1.0 kHz 2.0003 0.0050 % 1.999001 2.000999 0.0150 % 0.0450 % PASS 30.03 %
2.0 V AC+DC @ 6.25 kHz 2.00033 0.0050 % 1.998901 2.001099 0.0165 % 0.0500 % PASS 30.02 %
2.0 V AC+DC @ 10.0 kHz 2.00035 0.0050 % 1.998901 2.001099 0.0175 % 0.0500 % PASS 31.84 %
2.0 V AC+DC @ 20.0 kHz 2.00032 0.0050 % 1.998901 2.001099 0.0160 % 0.0500 % PASS 29.11 %
2.0 V AC+DC @ 50.0 kHz 1.99986 0.0085 % 1.993529 2.006471 -0.0070 % 0.3150 % PASS 2.16 %
2.0 V AC+DC @ 100.0 kHz 1.99781 0.0138 % 1.984224 2.015776 -0.1095 % 0.7750 % PASS 13.88 %
2.0 V AC+DC @ 200.0 kHz 1.99206 0.0425 % 1.982149 2.017851 -0.3970 % 0.8500 % PASS 44.48 %
2.0 V AC+DC @ 300.0 kHz 1.98881 0.0425 % 1.982149 2.017851 -0.5595 % 0.8500 % PASS 62.69 %
2.0 V AC+DC @ 500.0 kHz 1.98823 0.1100 % 1.955800 2.044200 -0.5885 % 2.1000 % PASS 26.63 %
2.0 V AC+DC @ 1.0 MHz 1.99428 0.1800 % 1.954400 2.045600 -0.2860 % 2.1000 % PASS 12.54 %
20 V AC+DC @ 10 Hz 19.9994 0.0048 % 19.986036 20.013964 -0.0030 % 0.0650 % PASS 4.30 %
20 V AC+DC @ 20 Hz 19.996 0.0048 % 19.986036 20.013964 -0.0200 % 0.0650 % PASS 28.65 %
20 V AC+DC @ 50 Hz 19.9968 0.0048 % 19.988036 20.011964 -0.0160 % 0.0550 % PASS 26.75 %
20 V AC+DC @ 60 Hz 19.9973 0.0048 % 19.988036 20.011964 -0.0135 % 0.0550 % PASS 22.57 %
20 V AC+DC @ 100 Hz 19.9983 0.0048 % 19.988036 20.011964 -0.0085 % 0.0550 % PASS 14.21 %
20 V AC+DC @ 1.0 kHz 20.0001 0.0048 % 19.988036 20.011964 0.0005 % 0.0550 % PASS 0.84 %
20 V AC+DC @ 6.25 kHz 19.9977 0.0048 % 19.980036 20.019964 -0.0115 % 0.0950 % PASS 11.52 %
20 V AC+DC @ 10.0 kHz 19.9981 0.0048 % 19.980036 20.019964 -0.0095 % 0.0950 % PASS 9.52 %
20 V AC+DC @ 20.0 kHz 20.0002 0.0048 % 19.980036 20.019964 0.0010 % 0.0950 % PASS 1.00 %
20 V AC+DC @ 50.0 kHz 20.0042 0.0085 % 19.935291 20.064709 0.0210 % 0.3150 % PASS 6.49 %
20 V AC+DC @ 100.0 kHz 20.0003 0.0121 % 19.932573 20.067427 0.0015 % 0.3250 % PASS 0.44 %
20 V AC+DC @ 200.0 kHz 19.9804 0.0336 % 19.803273 20.196727 -0.0980 % 0.9500 % PASS 9.96 %
20 V AC+DC @ 300.0 kHz 19.9853 0.0336 % 19.803273 20.196727 -0.0735 % 0.9500 % PASS 7.47 %
20 V AC+DC @ 500.0 kHz 20.0154 0.1100 % 19.138000 20.862000 0.0770 % 4.2000 % PASS 1.79 %
20 V AC+DC @ 1.0 MHz 20.3032 0.1700 % 19.126000 20.874000 1.5160 % 4.2000 % PASS 34.69 %
200.0 V AC+DC @ 100 Hz 200.026 0.0060 % 199.877964 200.122036 0.0130 % 0.0550 % PASS 21.29 %
200.0 V AC+DC @ 1.0 kHz 200.019 0.0060 % 199.877964 200.122036 0.0095 % 0.0550 % PASS 15.56 %
200.0 V AC+DC @ 6.25 kHz 200.004 0.0060 % 199.797964 200.202036 0.0020 % 0.0950 % PASS 1.98 %
200.0 V AC+DC @ 10.0 kHz 200.015 0.0060 % 199.797964 200.202036 0.0075 % 0.0950 % PASS 7.42 %
200.0 V AC+DC @ 20.0 kHz 200.04 0.0060 % 199.797964 200.202036 0.0200 % 0.0950 % PASS 19.79 %
700.0 V AC+DC @ 100 Hz 699.85 0.0074 % 699.283452 700.716548 -0.0214 % 0.0950 % PASS 20.90 %
700.0 V AC+DC @ 1.0 kHz 699.83 0.0074 % 699.283452 700.716548 -0.0243 % 0.0950 % PASS 23.68 %

Procedure for all test points that verify Gain of the DC current DCI function. Both +/-FS points are tested.
2-wire connection at LO and DCI is used between DMM and MFC.
DCI gain range points verify gain of the DC current function, using corrected 24-hour MFC output.

DCI Test 100nA-1A DUT Source unc. Low Limit Hi limit Measured 24h spec Result
Zero µADC 0 6.3E-10 INFO
1 µADC 1E-06 1.00069E-06 71.82 ppm 9.998402E-07 1.00016E-06 690.000 ppm 88 ppm FAIL 431.74 %
2 µADC 2E-06 2.00078E-06 71.82 ppm 1.99968E-06 2.00032E-06 390.000 ppm 88 ppm FAIL 244.02 %
-1 µADC -1E-06 -9.9925E-07 71.82 ppm -1.00016E-06 -9.998402E-07 -750.000 ppm 88 ppm FAIL 469.28 %
-2 µADC -2E-06 -1.99926E-06 71.82 ppm -2.00032E-06 -1.99968E-06 -370.000 ppm 88 ppm FAIL 231.51 %
Zero 00 µADC 0 7.7E-10 INFO
10 µADC 1E-05 1.000084E-05 71.82 ppm 9.998402E-06 1.00016E-05 84.000 ppm 88 ppm PASS 52.56 %
20 µADC 2E-05 2.000091E-05 71.82 ppm 1.99968E-05 2.00032E-05 45.500 ppm 88 ppm PASS 28.47 %
-10 µADC -1E-05 -9.99932E-06 71.82 ppm -1.00016E-05 -9.998402E-06 -68.000 ppm 88 ppm PASS 42.55 %
20 µADC -2E-05 -1.999943E-05 71.82 ppm -2.00032E-05 -1.99968E-05 -28.500 ppm 88 ppm PASS 17.83 %
Zero 000 µADC 0 7.2E-10 INFO
100 µADC 0.0001 0.00010000153 71.82 ppm 9.998402E-05 0.000100016 15.300 ppm 88 ppm PASS 9.57 %
200 µADC 0.0002 0.00020000263 71.82 ppm 0.000199968 0.000200032 13.150 ppm 88 ppm PASS 8.23 %
-100 µADC -0.0001 -0.00010000056 71.82 ppm -0.000100016 -9.998402E-05 5.600 ppm 88 ppm PASS 3.50 %
-200 µADC -0.0002 -0.00020000177 71.82 ppm -0.000200032 -0.000199968 8.850 ppm 88 ppm PASS 5.54 %
Zero mADC 0 -2E-10 INFO
-1.0 mADC 0.001 0.0010000236 33.64 ppm 0.0009998824 0.001000118 23.600 ppm 84 ppm PASS 20.06 %
2.0 mADC 0.002 0.0020000484 33.64 ppm 0.001999765 0.002000235 24.200 ppm 84 ppm PASS 20.57 %
-1.0 mADC -0.001 -0.0010000259 33.64 ppm -0.001000118 -0.0009998824 25.900 ppm 84 ppm PASS 22.02 %
-2.0 mADC -0.002 -0.0020000549 33.64 ppm -0.002000235 -0.001999765 27.450 ppm 84 ppm PASS 23.33 %
Zero 00 mADC 0 -1.6E-08 INFO
10 mADC 0.01 0.010000575 32.27 ppm 0.009998827 0.01000117 57.500 ppm 85 ppm PASS 49.03 %
20 mADC 0.02 0.020001213 32.27 ppm 0.01999765 0.02000235 60.650 ppm 85 ppm PASS 51.72 %
-10 mADC -0.01 -0.010000684 32.27 ppm -0.01000117 -0.009998827 68.400 ppm 85 ppm PASS 58.33 %
-20 mADC -0.02 -0.020001379 32.27 ppm -0.02000235 -0.01999765 68.950 ppm 85 ppm PASS 58.80 %
Zero 000 mADC 0 -2E-07 INFO
100 mADC 0.1 0.10002594 53.32 ppm 0.09998307 0.1000169 259.400 ppm 116 ppm FAIL 153.20 %
200 mADC 0.2 0.20005013 53.32 ppm 0.1999661 0.2000339 250.650 ppm 116 ppm FAIL 148.03 %
-100 mADC -0.1 -0.1000276 53.32 ppm -0.1000169 -0.09998307 276.000 ppm 116 ppm FAIL 163.00 %
-200 mADC -0.2 -0.2000529 53.32 ppm -0.2000339 -0.1999661 264.500 ppm 116 ppm FAIL 156.21 %
Zero ADC 0 6E-07 INFO
1.0 ADC 1 0.9999297 115.22 ppm 0.9993648 1.000635 -70.300 ppm 520 ppm PASS 11.07 %
2.0 ADC 2 1.9999559 115.22 ppm 1.99873 2.00127 -22.050 ppm 520 ppm PASS 3.47 %
-1.0 ADC -1 -0.9999952 115.22 ppm -1.000635 -0.9993648 -4.800 ppm 520 ppm PASS 0.76 %
-2.0 ADC -2 -2.0000123 115.22 ppm -2.00127 -1.99873 6.150 ppm 520 ppm PASS 0.97 %

Procedure for all test points that verify Gain of the AC Current ACI function. Three frequency band points are tested, 50 Hz, 60 Hz and 1 kHz. 2-wire connection at LO and DCI is used between DMM and MFC.

ACI Test 200µA-2A DUT Source unc. Low Limit Hi limit Measured 24h spec Result, % spec
50 µA AC @ 50 Hz 5e-05 5.01104E-05 0.0165 % 4.99467275e-05 5.00532725e-05 2208.000 ppm 0.0900 % FAIL 207.24 %
100 µA AC @ 50 Hz 0.0001 0.0001000483 0.0165 % 9.9893455e-05 0.000100106545 483.000 ppm 0.0900 % PASS 45.33 %
150 µA AC @ 50 Hz 0.00015 0.0001499934 0.0165 % 0.0001498401825 0.0001501598175 -44.000 ppm 0.0900 % PASS 4.13 %
200 µA AC @ 50 Hz 0.0002 0.0001999453 0.0165 % 0.00019978691 0.00020021309 -273.500 ppm 0.0900 % PASS 25.67 %
1.0 mA AC @ 50 Hz 0.001 0.0009994581 0.0138 % 0.00099896182 0.00100103818 -541.900 ppm 0.0900 % PASS 52.20 %
2.0 mA AC @ 50 Hz 0.002 0.0019993652 0.0138 % 0.00199792364 0.00200207636 -317.400 ppm 0.0900 % PASS 30.57 %
10 mA AC @ 50 Hz 0.01 0.009995244 0.0138 % 0.0099896182 0.0100103818 -475.600 ppm 0.0900 % PASS 45.81 %
20 mA AC @ 50 Hz 0.02 0.019994836 0.0138 % 0.0199792364 0.0200207636 -258.200 ppm 0.0900 % PASS 24.87 %
100 mA AC @ 50 Hz 0.1 0.0999718 0.0134 % 0.099896636 0.100103364 -282.000 ppm 0.0900 % PASS 27.28 %
200 mA AC @ 50 Hz 0.2 0.19998694 0.0134 % 0.199793272 0.200206728 -65.300 ppm 0.0900 % PASS 6.32 %
1.0 A AC @ 50 Hz 1.0 0.9993934 0.0308 % 0.99879182 1.00120818 -606.600 ppm 0.0900 % PASS 50.21 %
2.0 A AC @ 50 Hz 2.0 1.9992385 0.0308 % 1.99758364 2.00241636 -380.750 ppm 0.0900 % PASS 31.51 %
50 µA AC @ 60 Hz 5e-05 5.01868E-05 0.0165 % 4.99467275e-05 5.00532725e-05 3736.000 ppm 0.0900 % FAIL 350.65 %
100 µA AC @ 60 Hz 0.0001 0.0001000337 0.0165 % 9.9893455e-05 0.000100106545 337.000 ppm 0.0900 % PASS 31.63 %
150 µA AC @ 60 Hz 0.00015 0.000150032 0.0165 % 0.0001498401825 0.0001501598175 213.333 ppm 0.0900 % PASS 20.02 %
200 µA AC @ 60 Hz 0.0002 0.0002000331 0.0165 % 0.00019978691 0.00020021309 165.500 ppm 0.0900 % PASS 15.53 %
1.0 mA AC @ 60 Hz 0.001 0.0009994657 0.0138 % 0.00099896182 0.00100103818 -534.300 ppm 0.0900 % PASS 51.47 %
2.0 mA AC @ 60 Hz 0.002 0.0019995909 0.0138 % 0.00199792364 0.00200207636 -204.550 ppm 0.0900 % PASS 19.70 %
10 mA AC @ 60 Hz 0.01 0.009997084 0.0138 % 0.0099896182 0.0100103818 -291.600 ppm 0.0900 % PASS 28.09 %
20 mA AC @ 60 Hz 0.02 0.019996915 0.0138 % 0.0199792364 0.0200207636 -154.250 ppm 0.0900 % PASS 14.86 %
100 mA AC @ 60 Hz 0.1 0.0999787 0.0134 % 0.099896636 0.100103364 -213.000 ppm 0.0900 % PASS 20.61 %
200 mA AC @ 60 Hz 0.2 0.20001283 0.0134 % 0.199793272 0.200206728 64.150 ppm 0.0900 % PASS 6.21 %
1.0 A AC @ 60 Hz 1.0 0.9995883 0.0308 % 0.99879182 1.00120818 -411.700 ppm 0.0900 % PASS 34.08 %
2.0 A AC @ 60 Hz 2.0 1.9995277 0.0308 % 1.99758364 2.00241636 -236.150 ppm 0.0900 % PASS 19.55 %
50 µA AC @ 1.0 kHz 5e-05 5.01094E-05 0.0165 % 4.99467275e-05 5.00532725e-05 2188.000 ppm 0.0900 % FAIL 205.36 %
100 µA AC @ 1.0 kHz 0.0001 0.0001000667 0.0165 % 9.9893455e-05 0.000100106545 667.000 ppm 0.0900 % PASS 62.60 %
150 µA AC @ 1.0 kHz 0.00015 0.0001500339 0.0165 % 0.0001498401825 0.0001501598175 226.000 ppm 0.0900 % PASS 21.21 %
200 µA AC @ 1.0 kHz 0.0002 0.0002000019 0.0165 % 0.00019978691 0.00020021309 9.500 ppm 0.0900 % PASS 0.89 %
1.0 mA AC @ 1.0 kHz 0.001 0.0009998187 0.0138 % 0.00099896182 0.00100103818 -181.300 ppm 0.0900 % PASS 17.46 %
2.0 mA AC @ 1.0 kHz 0.002 0.0020000661 0.0138 % 0.00199792364 0.00200207636 33.050 ppm 0.0900 % PASS 3.18 %
10 mA AC @ 1.0 kHz 0.01 0.009999387 0.0138 % 0.0099896182 0.0100103818 -61.300 ppm 0.0900 % PASS 5.90 %
20 mA AC @ 1.0 kHz 0.02 0.020002917 0.0138 % 0.0199792364 0.0200207636 145.850 ppm 0.0900 % PASS 14.05 %
100 mA AC @ 1.0 kHz 0.1 0.10001504 0.0134 % 0.099896636 0.100103364 150.400 ppm 0.0900 % PASS 14.55 %
200 mA AC @ 1.0 kHz 0.2 0.20007054 0.0134 % 0.199793272 0.200206728 352.700 ppm 0.0900 % PASS 34.12 %
1.0 A AC @ 1.0 kHz 1.0 0.9998471 0.0308 % 0.99879182 1.00120818 -152.900 ppm 0.0900 % PASS 12.66 %
2.0 A AC @ 1.0 kHz 2.0 2.000098 0.0308 % 1.99758364 2.00241636 49.000 ppm 0.0900 % PASS 4.06 %
50 µA AC @ 10.0 kHz 5e-05 5.00727E-05 0.1400 % 4.986e-05 5.014e-05 0.1454 % 0.1400 % PASS 51.93 %
100 µA AC @ 10.0 kHz 0.0001 9.9987E-05 0.1400 % 9.972e-05 0.00010028 -0.0130 % 0.1400 % PASS 4.64 %
150 µA AC @ 10.0 kHz 0.00015 0.000149902 0.1400 % 0.00014958 0.00015042 -0.0653 % 0.1400 % PASS 23.33 %
200 µA AC @ 10.0 kHz 0.0002 0.0001998249 0.1400 % 0.00019944 0.00020056 -0.0876 % 0.1400 % PASS 31.27 %
1.0 mA AC @ 10.0 kHz 0.001 0.0009998893 0.1400 % 0.0009972 0.0010028 -0.0111 % 0.1400 % PASS 3.95 %
2.0 mA AC @ 10.0 kHz 0.002 0.0019999742 0.1400 % 0.0019944 0.0020056 -0.0013 % 0.1400 % PASS 0.46 %
10 mA AC @ 10.0 kHz 0.01 0.009999327 0.1300 % 0.009973 0.010027 -0.0067 % 0.1400 % PASS 2.49 %
20 mA AC @ 10.0 kHz 0.02 0.020000393 0.1300 % 0.019946 0.020054 0.0020 % 0.1400 % PASS 0.73 %
100 mA AC @ 10.0 kHz 0.1 0.10005967 0.1100 % 0.09975 0.10025 0.0597 % 0.1400 % PASS 23.87 %
200 mA AC @ 10.0 kHz 0.2 0.20013581 0.1100 % 0.1995 0.2005 0.0679 % 0.1400 % PASS 27.16 %
1.0 A AC @ 10.0 kHz 1.0 1.0026504 0.6100 % 0.9925 1.0075 0.2650 % 0.1400 % PASS 35.34 %
2.0 A AC @ 10.0 kHz 2.0 2.0054472 0.6100 % 1.985 2.015 0.2724 % 0.1400 % PASS 36.31 %

Test completed

Test date 24 February 2019 18:14

Lab temperature maintained +24°C ±2°C

Internal use only

Not validated

2018 ©