Metrology Meeting 2024 (MM2024) - The Finale

MM2024 Intro

On 17th of August 2024 it’s again time for Metrology Meeting in Stuttgart, Germany. It will be the final event in its current format, so don’t miss it.

We again have some interesting talks like “What happened since MM2022?”, as well as a talk given by Luis Palafox (PTB) and “Performance evaluation results with Analog Devices ADR1000 ICs” by Illya Tsemenko (, just to mention some of the teasers.

To have a fruitful discussion, we repeat what was done at MM2022, that is, everyone joining the meeting is asked to contribute to the event with some slides in the Open Pitch Session. You can present what you’ve been working on in the last years, results found from own experiments, fails and anything you feel is worth the metrology community. Everything is welcome, but it’s not a must.

How to participate and listen/present talks?

Click here for the MM2024 registration page.

You want to join in person or remotely online? No problem, please register here. Sorry, the form is available only in the German language.

We will go online at 17 August 2024, 9:15 AM GMT+2 and will start at 9:30 AM GMT+2. Happy Metrology!

Preliminary event schedule (all time points are GMT+2).

  • 9:15 … 9:30 – Start of remote online session
  • 9:30 … 9:45 – What happened since MM2022? (A. Bülau)
  • 9:45 … 10:15 – Voltage references, voltage standards and Josephson voltage standards (L. Palafox, PTB)
  • 10:15 … 10:45 – Performance evaluation results with Analog Devices ADR1000 ICs (I. Tsemenko,
  • 10:45 … 11:15 – The World’s Second Best Voltage Standard. (C. Beuning, Beuning Labs)
  • 11:15 … 12:00 – Open Pitch Session
    • ADR1399 – Lessons learned (A. Jahn)
    • Simple DC coupled 0.1-10 Hz amplifier (V. Baranov)
    • Keithley 7700 extender board (J. Krummsdorf)
    • Day to day stability of some Fluke 732 Voltage Standards (W. Oelschlägel)
    • Linearity Measurement of Resistors in the 10 MOhm to TOhm value range (E. Schreiber)
    • Metrology After Hours – few commercialized Ideas from RF Scientific (B. Radzik)
    • wrytech: Relaunching the PDVS 2 Mini and Where to Go From There (J. Vorderobermeier)
  • 12:00 … 13:00 – Lunch
  • 13:00 … 17:00 – Live Session for on-site participants
Author: Dr.-Ing. André Bülau
Created: Aug. 3, 2024, 12:10 a.m.
Modified: Aug. 16, 2024, 6:11 p.m.
