Compare 100mV

Test GPIB code running on DE1-SoC FPGA board + python-vxi E5810A

val1 = dmm1.dmm_meter (11,0,"3458C" ) # Keysight 3458 "C" measure B2987A 100 mVDC output. NPLC100, AZERO ON
val2 = dmm2.dmm_meter (4,0,"K2002") # Keithley 2002-4 measure Fluke 5720A/H2 100 mVDC output, NPLC50, AZERO ON
val3 = dmm3.dmm_meter (15,0,"F8508A" ) # Fluke 8508A measure Fluke 5720A/03/H1 100 mVDC output, RESL8, FILT_ON, FAST_OFF. Equivalent to NPLC1024
val4 = dmm4.dmm_meter (2,0,"3458B" ) # Keysight 3458 "B" measure Keithley 6430 PA SMU 100 mVDC output. NPLC100, AZERO ON

Reference levels:

Result CSV-data


* RPI accesses DMMs via GPIB and reads data.
* Data is formatted by python script into DSV string and written/append to file on FTP
* DSV-file is visible publicly on
* Page runs D3.js javascript library to read DSV file test.log to input data
* D3.js plots SVG graph online :)