RAW DSV-delimited file with all data points
Battery powered 792A
* Data is formatted by python script into DSV-string and written/append to file located on server
* DSV-file is visible publicly on this directory listing https://xdevs.com/datashort/2024/
* This interactive page then runs D3.js javascript plotting library to read DSV file and generate SVG-charts from data
* D3.js plots SVG graph online live. Datafile is refreshed every 10 minutes, so user can refresh page to get latest samples
Battery powered 792A
Workflow used to generate this page:
* RPI accesses insturments via GPIB network and reads samples.* Data is formatted by python script into DSV-string and written/append to file located on server
* DSV-file is visible publicly on this directory listing https://xdevs.com/datashort/2024/
* This interactive page then runs D3.js javascript plotting library to read DSV file and generate SVG-charts from data
* D3.js plots SVG graph online live. Datafile is refreshed every 10 minutes, so user can refresh page to get latest samples