K7168 setup, 7xLTZ1000 test run, GPIB code running on DE1SOC + NI GPIB-USB-HS FC
Keithley 7168 8-channel nanovolt scanner + RPI in K7001 chassis scanning voltage across each reference in chain.
HP 3458A and second HP 3458A measure voltage. Average from both meters is calculated as resulting sample.
Reference levels:
var ref_ch1 = 7.13666877; // 7168 CH1
var ref_ch2 = 7.07259467; // 7168 CH2
var ref_ch3 = 7.13416317; // 7168 CH3 VK5RC
var ref_ch4 = 7.12554600; // 7168 CH4
var ref_ch5 = 7.13663686; // 7168 CH5
var ref_ch6 = 7.12982582; // 7168 CH6
var ref_ch7 = 7.18462824; // 7168 CH7
Result CSV-data
* RPI accesses DMMs via GPIB and reads data.* Data is formatted by python script into DSV string and written/append to file on FTP
* DSV-file is visible publicly on https://xdevs.com/datashort/
* Page http://xdevs.com/datalog_mm/ runs D3.js javascript library to read DSV file test.log to input data
* D3.js plots SVG graph online :)