Keysight B2987B electrometer internals photos gallery

Some years back in 2018 xDevs acquired previous revision of B2987A and made a brief review including images of it’s internal construction. B-version replicates same design but with black-ish exterior plastic colors with few internal refinements for easier manufacturing. Recently I’ve got a set of images from one of xDevs fellow readers, showcasing internal construction of latest Keysight B2987B Electrometer/High-resistance meter.

Thanks to this contribution we can now all enjoy the view. Be sure to click on any of the images for larger resolution version.

Unit came with a large lithium battery, same design as used in older Keysight B2987A unit. Rear interface panel is also unchanged. There is voltage source output up to ±1kV with shrouded banana ports, triaxial current and voltage inputs, chart-recorder analog output and LO common point.

Mains supply is switch-mode AC/DC built by TDK-Lambda.

Overall construction is same as older box, with updates for new color plastic.

There was a lot of flux on the back of the board. It was the same situation for the older B2987A as well.

Stay tuned for more information in future on xDevs pages. If you are interested and want to discuss details, you are welcome at our own IRC chat server: (port 6010, channel: or by reaching out with email.

Author: Ilya Tsemenko
Created: Oct. 23, 2024, 1:31 a.m.
Modified: Oct. 23, 2024, 2:51 a.m.
