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Some key reviews, work logs and product design articles
- SI 2019 redefinition – Calibration work with Taiwan ITRI CMS National Metrology Lab
- Study of temperature stability, more than 260 resistors – Methodology and test results of various commercial precision resistors
- DMM noise measurement – public project to measure and compare noise of bench multimeters.
- xDevs.com FX 10.0000V Ultra-stable Voltage reference – second iteration of LTZ1000A-based ultra-stable DC Voltage standard
- xDevs.com KX Ultra-stable Voltage reference – public first generation of LTZ1000A 7V DC voltage standard
- Fluke 5700A calibrator overhaul – Service and minor repairs for high-end Fluke 5700A series calibrator.
- Fluke 792A AC/DC transfer standard repair – Repair of battery block and testing of Fluke 792A metrology AC/DC transfer standard.
- HP/Agilent/Keysight 3458A repair worklogs, Unit 2, Unit 3 – Detailed worklogs covering HP 3458A 8½-digit DMMs repair and upgrades
- Wavetek 4920M AC standard repair – Repair and calibration of Wavetek 4920M AVMS.
- Keysight B2987A electrometer teardown – Brief look on high-performance electrometer design
- Keithley 2002 repair – Extensive repair experience for Keithley Model 2002 8½-digit precision multimeter
- Keithley 2510 repair – Repair and calibration of Keithley Model 2510 TEC SMU
- Keithley 2400 repair – Repair of broken VFD glass and testing Keithley Model 2400 SourceMeter
- HP 3245A Universal source repair – Repair and calibration of rare HP 3245 precision 6½-digit DC/AC signal source
- Development boards – ATMEL AVR, ARM, Altera CPLD and FPGA development opensource hardware kits
- Neutron – Power supply automated test system, 12-channel 2kW DC power rating for electronic load, 2% accuracy
- Toolkit – xDevs.com Electronics engineering toolkit, online calculators, tools and simulation helpers